New things, new posts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hello everybody!

100 years no see of my words here, neither letters, I know that you are probably mad or annoyed from my side and thinking that I am neglecting your philatelic needs for busting it with EXOTIC stamps of Montenegro, but have a patience, it is all written here, I will respond to each one of you when I get the chance. 

Wordcast on television (I mean the famous news on every channel) that try to give us some info about happenings - are really trying to threaten us with sentences like - it was a harsh summer, the winter can be worse than ever! - SO WHAT?! Haven't we survived big plagues, wars and crashes in relationships already? :) I think that we're gonna beat up the record in this millennium ;) In that name I've added several new blogs in my list:

than a blog for life advices
and you all need to download wallpapers don't you? -  ;)

I hope that I will see you there too ;) 
Kisses till next post!

Some advices

Friday, September 7, 2012

This video could be helpful and soon more covers for you :))))

Thank you for being with me in this project!!!

A little bit of composing ;)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I wasn't alive to put this here and represent you a work of mine.
One night I've bumped on this video on YouTube and I was amazed with emotions
in this song, so I suddenly started to sing along with it.

After singing I decided to tape that one down and show it to the composer of song.
I waited few days before we - become friends, than I sent a inquiry about my work,
and he was eager to listen to it.. as he don't have FB acc. I decided to put it on YouTube channel with my explanation that music is from him and he was amazed with it!

It's dime to show it to you ;)

Entries #92 & 93 - Chain Stamp Exchanges 65a and 65b - reverse chains

Saturday, January 28, 2012

These two chains arrived separately from Hai Huang (China) and Sameer Agarwal (India) on 13.10.2010 and 25.11.2010. - starter was Mike Peters from Netherlands. The idea for this chain
came from it's starter in order to see which chain would travel faster than other and to see what is going to be exchanged in them. Of course both chains have been stuck with my address - as Sameer's have been traveling to him and was returned, so I needed to send it to next in chain and for other I've been waiting to get more Montenegrin stamps for exchange.

I loved both of them. One was about 100 commemoratives and other was with 150 definitives involved for exchange.

Entry #91 - Italy cover and my response

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I got this lovely handmade letter from my friend Sergio Della Giustina.. this is how we artists like to play with covers so this one - a second letter, was a response on my letter sent to him ;)

Now you'll see my letter:

Entry #90 - Cover from France

And again my dear friend Eric Contesse sent me beautiful and unique cover from France.
Stamps regarding art of great artists August Renoir, with special sealing of 17.9.2010.

Thank you very much Eric!!!


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